Safety Patrol

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Safety patrol is open to 5th and 6th grade students. The role and responsibility of safety patrol is to assist students in safely and properly crossing streets before and after school.

Students enrolled in safety patrol will be trained on when and where to report to duty and how to safely perform their job. A schedule will be sent home every Friday outlining the safety patrol report times for the following week. Please fill out the permission slip attached and send it to school with your student.

Safety patrol is instrumental in providing protection of the students and enhancing the school environment. Thank you in advance for supporting your child as he or she ensures the safety of our students before and after school.



8:45            All safety patrol on duty report to the Safety Patrol lockers to get their equipment. It is very important to be on time! If you are Library or Office Post for the day, be sure to bring a good book or studies to work on.  You will not be allowed to visit with other students while on your post.  Outside posts (bikes and busses) get proper equipment from the equipment locker and report to their assigned crosswalk.

9:10            All safety patrol go to class when the bell rings.

12:50 -1:00       Safety patrol on duty report to the equipment locker by  the office.  Walk afternoon kindergarteners from the bus area, through the front doors, and out to recess.

3:40            Safety patrol on duty report to the equipment locker by the office.  Outside posts (bikes and busses) on duty at assigned crosswalk. 

4:00            All posts are off duty.  Please ensure that your student is picked up or has a means of getting home at this time. Have a nice afternoon!

Thank you for serving your school, and for doing a good job!  A patrol who follows the rules and does his/her job well will earn one “dollar” per day on duty to use toward the Safety Patrol Store.  This is not real money, and will be kept in the supervisors’ office so “money” earned does not get lost.